The first edition of 'The New Music' is gonna hit us all the way from Essex, England. These guys are on fire right now; first hitting the music scene with their underground bible of a hit "Thou Shalt Always Kill". Dan and Scroob (Dan is the genius behind the deck and Scroob the master MC) have once again graced us with a new single: "The Beat That My Heart Skipped". Dan gives us one of the best beats I've heard all year scratching a choppy guitar sample with some hard hitting drums. Scroob also kills the beat with his brand of rap for white dudes and coffee house chicks. This tag team is poised for greatness as they tour as support for mega-dj turned folk singer RJD2.
Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip - Thou Shalt Always Kill
Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip - The Beat That My Heart Skipped