Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hello! Welcome to our new record! This is it!

How much fun was recess? lots. how much fun was your first rollarcoaster? probably alot of fun. How how fun is Junior Seniors latest album Hey Hey My My Yo Yo? oodles. Yes sir, this album reaks of fun and if your not having fun while listening to this record...I'm sorry my friend, you have no childhood. ^_^

It seems the Netherlands are a source of inspiration for a couple stand out artists this year. Of Montreal's Kevin Barnes wrote half of Hissing Fauna in Norway. Junior Senior is from Denmark; pretty interesting huh? The album came out in ' I might be a little late on this one.

But this is the opening track off the come to their show with me?

Junior Senior - We R the Handclaps
Junior Senior - Hip Hop a Lula

Junior Senior - Hip Hop A Lula (LIVE)